Truly excellent customer service really can be the greatest tool in your marketing arsenal – especially now. Budgets in every department are being tightened, and pressure to ‘do more with what you have’ is being applied to many financial businesses.
For marketing, this fiscal pain can be remedied by ensuring you are delivering first-class customer service. Great customer experience drives all of the results that we can’t pay for with the marketing budget – those valuable word-of-mouth referrals and return clients.
People talk – take care of your reputation & it will take care of you
Financial businesses often consider client loyalty to be a small part of their overall success. But in reality, this should be the cornerstone of any business. It should demonstrate the level of care that motivates clients to talk about your business to their peers.
It’s the simple formula of cause and effect. Clients that feel cared for will care about your company in return, and are far more likely to recommend your services to others. Even those who enquire, but aren’t brought onto the books can act as ambassadors; by sharing their positive interactions with others, they could be motivated to give you their business in the future.
Here at Moneypenny, we’re advocates of giving excellent service from the very first touchpoint of any customer journey. Whether the customer is visiting a website, or calling for more information, here is where that first – and lasting – impression starts.
We’ve worked with many of the UK’s top financial businesses to help them deliver the gold-standard customer service they strive to give. In turn, this seals their reputation as trusted and reliable businesses, whose clients recommended for years to come.
First-class service from the very first conversation
A surprising number of financial businesses have no idea of the amount of calls that they miss every day. When companies take a trial of our Telephone Answering service, they are always surprised at just how many more calls they could be handling, and how much better their customer service would be if every single call was answered.
The last thing you want to do is lose out on a potential client before your business development team even had a chance to speak to them – or worse, the call is handled in an unprofessional manner, leaving that caller to spread the word about their poor experience with you.
With Moneypenny, no call is left unanswered. We pride ourselves on handling every call with confidence and care and can transfer calls to you or your team wherever you are working, or a detailed message is taken and immediately emailed to the relevant person to follow-up on. As Geoff Goodyear, Consultant for Lubbock Fine, explains:
“With Moneypenny’s Telephone Answering support, our service levels continue to soar. Every caller is greeted with a professional response. Extending virtual opening hours is also a particular highlight for us. Moneypenny is a lifeline we could not be without.”
Turn your website into an additional salesperson
Making sure clients can reach you on your website only serves to further impress. Live Chat gives your website visitors a platform to get in touch and ask questions, without the ‘next stage’ commitment of a phone call, when they may not be ready to do that just yet.
Because of the informal nature of the platform, we’ve found that Live Chat can generate six times more leads from a website – 41% of these resulting in a brand new enquiry.
Our flexible Live Chat support is there whenever you need it – either some all of the time. As Shoaib Aslam, CEO & Founder of Pearl Accountants, explains:
“We work with small businesses primarily, who often need answers from us urgently. We have a team of Moneypenny Receptionists to answer live chat whenever we need support. The majority of our visitors’ questions are answered by Moneypenny there and then.
The service is so flexible, it’s fantastic. When we get back to the client, we are armed with all of their information, which has vastly improved our customer service.”
To talk to us about our Telephone Answering or Live Chat services (or even both) and to take a FREE trial, click here or call us today on 0333 202 1005.
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