When did you realise you needed support?
“We used Moneypenny to help us answer every customer call, but felt we weren’t taking the same amount of care with our website. We were convinced we could generate more enquiries from website visitors, so we trialled Live Chat from Moneypenny.”
What does good customer service look like?
“Being available on every platform is key. With telephone answering and live chat support, we’re able to ensure there are no gaps in our service and our customers are provided with support whenever they need it.”
How has Moneypenny changed your business?
“Moneypenny now manages our chats, including in the evenings and at weekends. With so many people visiting our website, it’s important we provide as much online assistance as we do face-to-face, with a real person on hand to talk to customers when they need it. Live chat helps us achieve this.”
What are the key benefits?
“Every website visitor gets the value of chatting to a real person, meaning our clients always receive the best possible service. Moneypenny has given us a stronger online voice, which has resulted in more leads. No conversations are missed as we have all of our bases covered.”
Any advice for other businesses?
“Moneypenny are experts at what they do. They’ll work with you to make sure you get the most value from your service.”