Ensure you always have a professional front with a Welcome greeting
It’s a 5 minute job. Simply think of the greeting you want to record and follow one of these two steps:
Head to settings and select ‘record a business greeting’. You’ll be presented with an orange button – tap this to start and stop recording. Once you’re happy, press ‘save’ and your greeting will be available in the portal for you to select.
Once logged in, select ‘my business greeting’ and head to ‘record your own greeting’. Hit ‘browse’ to locate the audio file you’re looking for – this will need to be either an MP3 or WAV file. Click ‘upload’ and your greeting will be available to select.
For help logging in, please call us on time.
– we’d be happy to help. This guide assumes that you’re on board with our Sprint or Fly package. If you’re subscribing to our Run package, you’re welcome to upgrade at any
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