Customer Communications
Global Trend Report
Our unique global communications study focuses on consumer behaviors when contacting businesses. Deep-dive into channel preferences, emotional triggers behind a call vs. web chat, generational mindset, cultural differences and lots more.
If you run or work in a customer-centric business, and want to better understand the psychology and preferences of your customers, this report is for you.
Call Trends Report
Get your hands on this exclusive report today
See what's inside
Channels your customers are most likely to be using
Latest statistics on phone calls, volumes, durations and triggers
Emotional factors at play when a consumer chooses to call
What callers hate hearing - from annoying hold music to being asked to visit the website
The true impact of a good vs. bad experience when contacting a business
Digital channel crossover - how consumers really feel about live chat, chatbots, voice recognition and online forms

Download the report now

Don't just take our word for it:

Thousands of business owners, marketeers and CX professionals have already downloaded the report. Here’s what some have said:

This report really puts the customer experience into perspective - an insightful read.

Lisa RhodesChief Marketing Officer, Taylors Arch

Any business looking to understand more about their consumers needs to read this.

Alexander TaylorCustomer Service Manager, Stark & Hill
Key highlights
The phone is still king
We asked consumers what their favorite method of communication is:
Powerful insights for a healthier bottom line
And the reason we call is because we have an urgent or complicated query that needs a real person
Top reasons for calling vs. other channels:


Urgent/time sensitive


Unanswered calls are still our biggest gripe
Here's what else frustrates consumers:
And the fallout of a bad call is huge to businesses
34% make a complaint
36% take their business elsewhere
25% write a negative review
But done right - it will set you apart from the rest
of people say a great call experience is a powerful customer service differentiator
The data

Moneypenny commissioned a report conducted by insight-driven research specialists, Censuswide, who surveyed 2,000 US and UK consumers between May 27th and June 1st 2022.

Respondents included an even split between Gen Z (16-24), Millennials (25-40), Gen X (41-56), Baby Boomers 1 (Aged 57-66) and Baby Boomers 2/Traditionalist/Silent Generation (67+). Unless otherwise stated all graphs are sourced from the Moneypenny Censuswide Customer Communications Global Trend Report 2022.
