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Acorn Blue are always there for their customers

Danica Clements, Group Marketing Manager, shares how the development specialists have enhanced their customer experience with Telephone Answering.

When did you realise you needed support?

“Working remotely across many development sites meant we struggled to answer calls as they came in and customers were often waiting until the next day for a response. Recognising the immediate benefits of telephone support, we contacted Moneypenny.”

What does good customer service look like?

“Our service is at its best when we are available for our customers at all times. This is completely achievable with the help of Moneypenny. With our calls being looked after, customers benefit from a consistently good experience.”

How has Moneypenny changed your business?

“Now our calls are passed to us wherever we’re working, so no opportunities are ever missed. Callers are dealt with straightaway, giving them the reassurance that their enquiry is being ealt with there and then.”

What are the key benefits?

“Thanks to Moneypenny, we offer a seamless and reliable service. Speaking to a real person and not an answering machine, has made the world of difference to our customers. No matter where we’re working, we know that our enquiries are being dealt with perfectly.”

Any advice for other businesses?

“You won’t regret using Moneypenny. It’s a perfect fit for our business and we wouldn’t be without them.”

We give you amazing people and technology:


Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.

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Amazing people, briefed by you to manage chats whenever you can't.

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All the functions and support of an office phone system, minus the hardware.

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