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You can easily turn Outbound calling on and off via the Settings screen.
If you’re an iOS user, you can turn Voicemail transcriptions on by going to Settings > Voicemail transcription settings > Turn On/Turn Off. You will then be prompted to call the ‘Moneypenny Turn On’ contact, which has been added to your contacts on your mobile phone. This call is free, and sets up the necessary diverts with your mobile network that Voicemail transcriptions require to work.
If you’re an Android user, you can turn Voicemail transcriptions on by going to Settings > Voicemail transcription settings > and by clicking on the ‘Turn On’ button. This will set up the necessary diverts with your mobile network that Voicemail transcriptions require to work.
If there are certain callers you do not wish to speak with, such as unsolicited callers, you can add them to your blocked list and this will ensure that their calls ring out.
Receive calls via the internet on your app using VoIP technology – simply visit the Moneypenny app and activate this feature within Settings. If you have requested calls to be transferred to your mobile, your PA will try to connect via your app first. If you do not have Wi-Fi or 4G, we will then call your mobile device. Any calls connected through the Moneypenny app will not incur transfer charges.
Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.
Discover >All the functions and support of an office phone system, minus the hardware.
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