For business owners in particular, stress will unfortunately, more often than not, go hand in hand with the pressures of running a company.
Ultimately, stress in the workplace can lead to lost work days, so ensuring you understand how to manage your stress effectively will lead to a much more productive, happy and efficient work environment, not just for you as the business owner, but your employees too. So how can business owners manage this stress? We have outlined our top tips below:
One of the main factors of workplace stress, for business owners in particular, is feeling inundated with work. Scheduling this workload in a way that suits your business will ensure that you do not become overwhelmed. How you schedule your work is entirely down to your own preference and where your priorities lie – we recommend making a list of tasks that need to be completed and ordering them by urgency.
In order to effectively complete your workload, it’s also a great idea to set certain times within the day in which you check and reply to emails and non-urgent phone calls, as trying to complete your work in conjunction with these tasks will distract and significantly reduce productivity.
There are countless pieces of software and tools out there to increase productivity and make the life of any business owner easier. Whether this includes utilising cloud software so that you can easily work remotely when required, a project management tool that will help you to define and schedule both yours and your employees’ workload efficiently or even delving into the world of automation to ease the burden of particular tasks, identifying and implementing the right tools to suit the needs of your business can take a weight off your shoulders.
Outsourcing can have many benefits for a business. Not only will it reduce the amount of time that business owners and managers spend on tasks that go hand in hand with running a business, but it also leaves these burdensome, often time consuming, tasks to the experts and ultimately reduces the stress of completing these tasks.
Of course, for the team at Moneypenny, we specialise in taking care of one of the most vital functions of any business, but one that many business owners take for granted: telephone answering. As we mentioned a little earlier, answering calls will distract you from your work at hand and can add to your stress levels, however, missing these calls can lead to missing out on prospective customers and reduce the quality of customer service for your business. Our trained team of industry-specific professionals are on hand to answer these calls on your behalf and pass on the vital information you need to run the business efficiently and take it forward.
Find out more about our award-winning services by contacting our team today on 0333 202 1005.
Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.
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