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How do I set up Live Chat software?

In a few simple steps, you’ll have Live Chat completely up and running

Adding Live Chat software to your website is surprisingly simple; it only takes a few minutes. You will be chatting
with your website visitors in no time!

Here, we cover a number of options for getting Live Chat up and running on your website, including the specifics for 5
of the most popular content management systems on the market – WordPress, GoDaddy, Squarespace, Shopify, and Wix.

Install Live Chat with a code snippet

HTML code looks complex, but the snippet you’ll be given by our Live Chat team doesn’t need to be understood to be used;
just copy and paste it into your website’s source code before the closing </body> tag, or email the snippet to
your website developer and ask them to do it for you.

If you don’t want Live Chat to appear on certain pages, we can give you a second code snippet which will hide the chat
function wherever you choose.

Add Live Chat to a WordPress website

You have two choices for adding Live Chat to your WordPress website. You can add the code snippet mentioned above;

  1. Login to your WordPress administrator account
  2. In the sidebar on your Dashboard, go to ‘Themes’ and then click ‘Editor’
  3. On the Edit Themes page, go to the Footer file (footer.php) and paste the code before the closing </body>

Add Live Chat to a GoDaddy website

  1. Login to your GoDaddy account and open ‘WEBSITE BUILDER / INSTANTPAGE®’
  2. Click ‘Manage’ and go to the Dashboard
  3. On the Dashboard, click ‘Edit Site’, then click on the burger menu (three horizontal lines, stacked) in the
    top-right corner
  4. In the drop-down menu, select ‘Site Settings’
  5. On the Site Settings page, click ‘Site-wide Code’
  6. Paste the code snippet we give you into the ‘Code to put before closing tag (all pages)’ box and Click the ‘OK’
    button below
  7. Click the ‘Publish’ button in the right-hand corner at the top of the page

Add Live Chat to a Squarespace website

  1. Login to your Squarespace account and click ‘SETTINGS’ in the sidebar
  2. From the sub-menu, select ‘Advanced’
  3. In the ADVANCED sub-menu, click ‘Code Injection’
  4. Scroll to the ‘FOOTER’ section and paste the code snippet
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’

Add Live Chat to a Shopify website

  1. Login to your Shopify admin panel
  2. Go to ‘Online Store’ and select ‘Themes’
  3. Click ‘Edit HTML/CSS’ in the sidebar
  4. Open the ‘theme.liquid’ template file
  5. Paste your code snippet before the closing </body> tag
  6. Click ‘Save’

Add Live Chat to a Wix website

  1. Login to your Wix account and go to ‘Settings’ in your site’s dashboard
  2. Click ‘Custom Code’ in the ‘Advanced’ section
  3. Click ‘+ Add Custom Code’ at the top right
  4. Paste the code snippet in the text box and enter a name for your code
  5. Select an option under ‘Add Code to Pages’
    • All pages: This adds the code to all of your site’s pages, including any new pages that
      you create in the future

      • Choose whether to load the code only once per visit, or on each page your visitor opens
    • Choose specific pages: Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant pages
  6. Choose where to place your code under ‘Place Code in:’
    • Head
    • Body – start
    • Body – end
  7. Click ‘Apply’

        Can’t find what you’re looking for?

        It’s estimated that almost 2 billion websites are live on the internet right now, so it would be quite a task to cover
        every CMS in one guide. If yours isn’t listed, that doesn’t mean you can’t have Live Chat on your website – just use the
        code snippet we talked about in the first point.

        If you’re still unsure of what to do, give us a call on 0333 202 1005 and a member of our team will be
        happy to talk you through it.

        Not sure if Live Chat is right for you?

        Moneypenny is revolutionising the way businesses manage their Live Chat. We combine gold-standard software with the
        support of real people in the background to ensure no chat goes unanswered.

        To find out how you will benefit from our amazing people and technology, take advantage of our FREE trial.
        Experience our full service for a whole week with no set-up costs, no admin charges, and absolutely no ongoing
        commitment.  You have nothing to lose, contact Moneypenny today on 0333 202 1005.

        We give you amazing people and technology:


        Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.

        Discover >
        Live Chat

        Amazing people, briefed by you to manage chats whenever you can't.

        Discover >
        Pocket Phone System

        All the functions and support of an office phone system, minus the hardware.

        Discover >