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Creating a link that takes your client straight to your chat widget

Have Live Chat wherever brings you most value

Many of our clients want to link to their chat widget directly from an email.

This takes the visitor directly to a specially designed page on your website (an active browser window is needed for this to work), where a proactive chat box will generate immediately – assuming you have agents online that is! If this sounds good, keep reading to learn more about how you can do the same:

1. Create your landing page
Think about the content of your page. Remember, visitors will only see this if they’ve followed a link from your email, so they’re there to chat.
Once you’ve created this page, you’ll need to add the Moneypenny live chat code which you can find in your live chat portal under ‘Get the code’.

2. Starting the chat
When someone clicks on the link to start a chat and is taken to the landing page you have created you need to decide what you want to happen. You can either show a proactive chat message or a pre-chat survey.

Setting up a proactive chat – To ensure a chat opens as soon as your visitor loads your landing page, you’ll need to add the following call to the Moneypenny Chat code after the line: /* Place your Moneypenny JS API code below */

Moneypenny.openProactiveChat(true, true);

You can amend the first message that appears by creating a proactive rule on this page via the ‘Proactive chat’ section in the portal.

Setting up a pre-chat form – Alternatively, if you would like to use a pre-chat survey you’ll need to add the following call to the Moneypenny Chat code after the line: /* Place your Moneypenny JS API code below */


3. Automatically closing the landing page, after the chat
You may choose to have the page close completely following the chat, rather than leaving the visitor to follow other links/find their own way around your site. If you do want to do this then there’s just a small piece of code you need to include beneath your openProactiveChat or startLink call:

Moneypenny.setCallback('Close', function(type, status {
//Code to call when the chat window is closed
document.location = '/';
//URL you send the visitor to, '/' is the home directory

You can also choose to send the visitor to a specific page instead. To do this, just modify the line; document.location = ‘/’

Keen to know more? Discover how to start a chat from a webpage here or for anything else, our number is 0333 202 1005 – whether it’s a sales or technical question, we’re here to lend a hand.

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