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New Partnership: Moneypenny and CPD Store To Work Together

Leading outsourced communications provider Moneypenny has signed an exclusive partnership with online accountancy CPD provider, CPDStore.

CPDStore offers online learning and development resources for the UK accounting community and works with leading experts to deliver core technical, compliance and practice management CPD to its members.

The new alliance will see Moneypenny share its customer experience expertise with CPDStore’s accountancy firm members via a CPD training webinar, as well as provide special offers and free trials of its telephone answering and live chat services.

Zoe Lacey-Cooper from CPDStore said: “Our goal is to help accountants really prioritise professional development by making it as engaging and rewarding as possible.  Moneypenny is renowned for its award-winning approach to call handling, client care, lead management, outbound calling and live chat – all of which will be invaluable to our members.  We know they’ll be keen to hear from Louise and the team about how they can better manage first impressions, capture more leads and stand-out from other practices.”

Louise Wilson, head of the finance sector at Moneypenny, which handles 15 million telephone calls and live chats for financial services businesses every year, said: “The CPDStore shares our passion for working closely with the accountancy sector and learning from each other. We’re delighted to become a partner and build new relationships.”

Established in 2000, Moneypenny is the world’s market leader for telephone answering, live chat, outsourced switchboard, and customer contact solutions. In total, more than 21,000 businesses across the UK benefit from Moneypenny’s mix of extraordinary people and ground-breaking technology.

For more information about Moneypenny’s work in the financial sector visit:

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