Alice, Moneypenny Receptionist
Moneypenny has launched Client Services – a dedicated service to help kick-start businesses as the property market reopens.
The new outsourced service has been designed to give businesses greater organisational agility, efficiency and capacity as they strive to reignite cold enquiries and generate new opportunities after the Covid-19 lockdown. Client Services offers portal lead handling, appointment booking, outbound calling and campaign management.
Our dedicated 80-strong team of receptionists can now diarise appointments, qualify inbound leads, warm up databases, and follow up property marketing campaigns for businesses across the country. Integration with leading CRM systems is expected to be added to the service very soon.
Joanna Swash, Moneypenny CEO
Joanna Swash, CEO here at Moneypenny said: “We started developing Client Services last year, in response to huge demand from our existing clients. We’ve spent time getting it right, and launching now is especially timely as the property market in England reopens, and many businesses are experiencing a surge in enquiries whilst operating with skeleton staff, thus presenting real operational challenges.
“Question marks over whether staff can be un-furloughed and then potentially re-furloughed if there’s a second spike of Covid-19 compound this further and it has left many businesses unsure how to get the balance right between resource and financial risk.
“Client Services has been designed to ease some of these pain points and provide a guaranteed and outsourced solution that ensures the core sales administrative and marketing tasks are completed without fail, while freeing up available staff to concentrate elsewhere.”
Businesses interested in Moneypenny’s new service should register their interest here for the first phase of availability.
Here at Moneypenny, we currently support 2,500 Estate Agents, Commercial Agents, Housebuilders and Housing Associations across the UK, thanks to our dedicated team of property receptionists.
For more information about our work with the property sector and how we can support your business, click here or call us today on 0333 202 1005.
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