Say goodbye to the blues in just 6 steps
It’s universally known that, even at the best of times, Monday is the least favourite day of the week.
But, when the party season is over, the bank balance doesn’t bear looking at, and summer seems like a lifetime away; along comes the bluest of Mondays. The Monday that falls around the middle of January is now officially known as ‘Blue Monday’; the most depressing day of the year.
To side-step this dreaded day, we’ve come up with six guaranteed ways to boost spirits and beat the blues…
Express gratitude
What are you thankful for? And have you set aside any time to recognise it? Research proves that taking time out to reflect on what you’re grateful for is a highly effective way to boost energy and optimism. Why not start your day by making a list of all the positive things and people around you that you appreciate the most – you might realise you have more to be positive about than you first thought!
Do a random act of kindness
At Moneypenny, we’re real advocates of this one. Sometimes the best way to cheer yourself up is to make somebody else’s day that little bit brighter! Whether it’s covering someone else’s coffee bill, paying a compliment, offering someone else a helping hand, or leaving a surprise bar of chocolate on somebody’s desk – these small good deeds are guaranteed to make someone smile and, in turn, uplift you, too.
Don’t sit still
We all know that exercise equals endorphins. But in the midst of winter, hitting the gym bright & early isn’t for everyone. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout at the gym to get that endorphins dose though. Whether it’s a quick team walk during the lunch hour, a light jog around the block, cycling into work instead of the drive, or even as simple as taking the stairs instead of the lift; some light exercise here and there can make all the difference to how you feel.
Avoid last-minute stress
If you’re expecting a manic Monday, then consider ways to minimise any potential stress in advance. Perhaps it’s some meal prep over the weekend or clearing your inbox on a Friday evening ready for the following week – small efforts can lead to big rewards come 9am Monday.
Get a good night’s sleep
How much sleep you have on a Sunday night will have a huge impact on how your Monday pans out. Remove distractions such as a laptop or iPad, and try to stay off your phone just before sleeping to improve your sleep quality. When morning has broken, resist the temptation of hitting the snooze button – research indicates that post-alarm snoozes actually amplify how tired we’re feeling. Waking up feeling refreshed can be enough to transform a blue Monday into a productive and upbeat one!
Start a new venture
Finally, the start of a fresh, new year can be the perfect time to define new goals and start up a venture. Maybe you’re unhappy in your current job, or you have a dream business idea waiting in the wings – why not begin that journey today and make this Monday a milestone!
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