Proceed with caution: we’re being asked to be careful with our budgets like never before. It’s understandable.
Right now, fluctuating demand can make outgoings uncertain. And with this, difficult decisions may need to be made. Many private healthcare providers are looking to cut their costs to fit their current circumstances.
We’ve spoken to scores of private healthcare businesses, offering solutions to their temporary bottom line situations. They are finding that outsourcing – specifically agile outsourcing and working with suppliers in a more flexible way – could slim down expenses. Here’s how it can help you too.
For years, ‘agile’ was a term reserved for the IT and development industry. Referring to the way in which teams worked, making quick and flexible decisions, it has been a hugely successful method of completing projects.
These days it has been adopted by outsourcing businesses to describe the manner in which they offer their services to clients. Don’t just think about technology when hearing the term ‘agile’. It’s a new approach to business, one which could save you a lot of money if used.
In a nutshell, it means a more collaborative, more creative, and more open way of working with a supplier. Instead of buying an ‘off the shelf’ product or service, your agile outsourcing partner is flexible to suit you and what you’re trying to achieve.
For instance, if you are having to slim down part of an internal team, but still require someone to cover their duties, an agile outsourced partner should be flexible to infill that support at the times you need it. For more insight into agile outsourcing, you can download Moneypenny’s ebook, Agile Outsourcing Partnerships, for free.
If you experience peaks of calls at certain times of the day, or only have a few dedicated phone lines which have high volume of call traffic, it could make more sense to lean on an outsourced switchboard, rather than in-house staff to handle these calls.
By doing so, it dramatically reduces your overheads. You no longer have additional staffing costs or the issue of idle call handling staff during quieter times. With Moneypenny, you can choose when and what calls to route. To discover exactly how much outsourcing your switchboard could save, try our switchboard calculator.
For instance, your Moneypenny Receptionist could handle only brand new callers, calls outside of 9-to-5 office hours, or evenings and weekends. We run a 24/7 service and can handle your calls whenever you need it. As Kayley Rooney, Practice Manager for Evo Dental, explains:
“Moneypenny answers our calls 24 hours a day. With the support of Tomas, our dedicated Moneypenny Receptionist, we’re confident that no matter what time our patients call they always receive great customer service.
“Their efficiency and attention to detail is second to none. Calls are always directed to the correct person and messages are always detailed. The service is so seamless that our patients think Tomas is a part of our own in-house team. It’s more than fair to say that with Moneypenny you pay for what you get – quality service and fantastic call handling.”
Moneypenny’s Outsourced Switchboard is a service like no other. We give you your very own dedicated Moneypenny Receptionist and small team. They get to know your business to answer calls exactly as based in your office. Callers never need to know they are speaking to Moneypenny.
They will take down a detailed message from the caller – including any specific information you need – and immediately email this over to the relevant person, whilst giving your clients first-class service.
And first-class service includes never missing a single call. If you find your practice or clinic picking up a lot of interest, either from new or existing clients, Moneypenny can scale its support to accommodate your requirements.
If you find call volumes decreasing, they can still be handled by Moneypenny in the same way. As Sarah Johnson, Reception & Admin Manager for Clinic 95, explains:
“Answering calls for five surgeries was stretching our front of house team as both new and existing patients were finding it harder to speak with a receptionist. After complaints from patients and potential bookings were lost, we trialled Moneypenny.
“We now outsource all of our overflow calls to Jennifer, our Moneypenny Receptionist. She emails the messages across to our in-house team to deal with quickly and efficiently. We’re now able to help our patients, who would have otherwise gone to another practice or simply hung up.”
To talk to one of our informative team about our Telephone Answering and Live Chat services, visit or call us today on 0333 009 8329.
Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.
Discover >All the functions and support of an office phone system, minus the hardware.
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