The Moneypenny Pocket Phone System allows you to flexibly manage your voicemails.
It’s both quick and easy to do, and helps you and your employees keep on top of important messages – no matter where you are.
Finding your voicemails
To get started, tap on the Messages tab from your home screen. At the top of the screen, you’ll see 3 options; Calls, Messages, and Voicemails. Tap on ‘Voicemails’ so that it turns orange.
Here, you’ll see a log of all your voicemails. If you’re an admin user, you’ll also be able to view a log of voicemails for your employees too.
Tap into the message in order to view more information about the caller, the recipient and the date & time of when the voicemail was left. You can listen to the recording or even read the voicemail transcription.
From here, you can also choose what you want to do with the voicemail – return the call, forward the voicemail on to another employee, add the caller’s details to your contacts, or simply delete the message altogether.
Managing your recipients’ voicemail settings
From your home screen, tap the Settings tab. You’ll then see a list of recipients. Simply tap on a recipient in order to edit and update their individual voicemail settings.
In these settings, you’ll be able to record a new voicemail greeting and choose whether you’d like their notifications to be sent through the app or via email.
The Pocket Phone System app will quickly become your new best friend – you’re going to love it! But if there’s anything you’re unsure about or need help with, just give us a call on and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Your own Moneypenny PA to answer calls exactly as if based in your office.
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