Telephone Answering Service For Small Businesses | Moneypenny

What is hiring a new team member really costing you?

Simply answer 7 quick questions to find out exactly how much.

Calculate the true cost

How many team members do you employ to answer your phone?​

Enter any part-time staff as a fraction e.g. 2.5.

What is the base salary of these team members?​

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a UK receptionist is £20,163.

National Insurance

0% for the first £8,844 of earnings, 15.05% applied thereafter.


How much do you contribute to their pension?

According to AON's Benefits and Trends survey, the average employer contribution is 5.6%. For most employers the statutory minimum is 3%.

How much are other benefits worth?

According to HMRC statistics, the average value of taxable benefits is 8.6% of salary. For example, health insurance, subsidised lunches, gym memberships, loyalty reward programmes.

How much time do you spend per person on training and management per week?

A 2014 study by Leadership IQ found that the optimal amount of time for employees to spend interacting with their boss is 6 hours per week.

What % of salary do you spend when recruiting a receptionist?

Costs usually range from 15% for an in-house solution to 30% for agency-led. Consider the total cost, including agency fee, advertising, temporary cover, and HR costs.

How much do you spend on office space and equipment for each receptionist per year?

The IPD Blue Chip Office Index put the average total cost of office space and equipment per occupant at £4,800.

See your results

Your reception
costs £0.00 annually

Outsource some or all of your calls to Moneypenny to save between 30-60%.

Your reception
costs £0.00 annually

Interested to find out how we could save you between 30-60% of this cost? Give us a call on 0333 202 1005 or:

Get in touch today Discover our answering solutions

Capture every opportunity in the most cost-effective way possible

Having a dedicated, UK-based Moneypenny PA means you're only ever paying for the ideal amount of support to make sure every caller feels welcome.

A trusted

We make a point of matching you with the right PA based on personality and skill set - so they complement the way you like to work.


Send calls to your PA whenever you need support: all the time or just when your phone is engaged or unanswered - you choose.


Answering in your company name, your PA either transfers the caller to you, or diligently takes a message and sends it immediately.


Wherever you're working, our app & portal allow you to update your availability and view past calls & messages at the touch of a button.

Get your quote today and have 7 days free

You could be briefing your Moneypenny PA today. Call 0333 009 8345.

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